Cowgirl CE Retreats is a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering professional and personal connections in a learning environment.
“The veterinary life isn’t always easy, most days are more challenging than people realize, but having the opportunity to go to a Cowgirl CE Retreat was the BEST decision I made this year.” Cara B
“The personal and professional connections have been life and career-changing for me.” Chelsea S
“Muditā means joy; especially sympathetic or vicarious joy or the pleasure that comes from delighting in other people’s well-being. This word describes how I feel about the other women winning in veterinary medicine and agriculture. My cup is so full after spending the weekend with 30 other female large animal veterinarians” Marissa H
A few years ago I was nearing burnout, ready to throw in the towel and take a higher paying job. I had not been able to attend this CE because of two pregnancies and trying to financially recover my business. Finally in 2022 I took the leap. Intimidated as hell (and broke too) I finally booked the trip. They took me under their wings with kindness, encouragement, love, pep talks, courageous vulnerability, authenticity…..and they reminded me of who I am. Caitlin D